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Lo que los compradores de casas tienen que decir acerca de Blackburn Communities

Esto es lo que los compradores de casas tienen que decir acerca de su experiencia construyendo una casa con Blackburn Communities.

I have built over 7 homes from the ground up. My experience with the Diamond Team was the best buying experience ever with the home industry.

Alamo Family

When we met with Dave (the builder) he was very knowledgeable, detailed and had complete knowledge of the process. We also asked his opinion personally and professionally on ideas and he gave us his opinions with reasons behind his thoughts.

Jeff and Mary

The organized manner in which everything was handled.Everything was reviewed in detail and verified prior to signature.All questions were answered and I felt very secure with the process.

Steiner Family

We were surprised to have continued our relationship and support from the building staff once the building had been completed.

Dixie B.