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Lo que los compradores de casas tienen que decir acerca de Garbett Homes

Esto es lo que los compradores de casas tienen que decir acerca de su experiencia construyendo una casa con Garbett Homes.

“We were thoroughly impressed by our sales rep, Marcus, and our general contractor (construction mangager), Jordan. We genuinely felt that Jordan wanted our home to be as great as we wanted it to be. He was always happy to fix anything we found and was friendly throughout the process. We've found a few things that we'll bring up in our 4-month warranty check-in but there haven't been any major issues thus far. The systems seem to be working well and we're confident we bought the

Sean - Terravista

“I absolutely love my house and Garbett has been great to work with.”


“We love the modern design and style of the netzero home but what really convinced us it was the right move for our family was the solar technology and zero living concept. We are proud of our home and the lifestyle we are able to live thanks to Garbett and Vivint's partnership."

Bryan - Bellasol

"Love the home, the layout, the standard inclusions, the energy efficiency, the clean air recycled 8x/hr., our awesome realtor, Sean Steinman, the location . . . .Love our new home!!"

Anonymous - HTC