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Lo que los compradores de casas tienen que decir acerca de J.S. Hovnanian & Sons

Esto es lo que los compradores de casas tienen que decir acerca de su experiencia construyendo una casa con J.S. Hovnanian & Sons.

We searched so many 50+communities looking for the perfect fit for us.We were at a brunch one day at Scotland Run Country Club and saw "Stirling Glen" almost right next door on Fries Mill Road.After dinner we drove through and really liked what we saw.We stopped at the model home and met with Joni and Liz.They immediately made us feel that this was the end of our search.They were so welcoming and helpful with any questions we had with this new venture.


There aren’t enough superlatives to describe the experience we have had with JS Hovnanian Builders.

J & H

My first home was a J.S. Hovnanian & Sons home. I've since moved out of state but each time I moved, I used the education I received from them during the construction process to ensure the builder lived up to the same level of quality I received from J.S. Hovnanian & Sons.
